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How can a Large IT Enterprise Remain Agile?

Written by Scott Frew | May 01, 2021

One of the biggest challenges for large businesses is their inability to be agile. My favorite stages of business are the start-up and early growth phases, because I love being able to adapt as necessary to constant change. In these early days you aren’t weighted down with legacy processes or outdated systems that impede your growth.

As a business grows, efficient systems that reduce manual processes become a necessity. The problem is, many mature companies are still operating with efficiency strategies that were implemented in their growth phase. Some are operating with a mixed bag of legacy platforms and tools that create problems such as: staff doubling up on tasks, data sitting in separate silos across the business and the company paying more money to run multiple service providers than it would cost to transition to one best practice platform.

It can get to the stage where a business becomes so overloaded with operational complexity, it’s difficult to unravel the reasoning behind the original processes. Staff are operating each day in a way that doesn’t optimize their skills and doesn’t create the most value for customers. Given the course of action to change anything in a large business can be slowed down by bureaucracy, red tape and internal competition - created through a 'job preservation' mentality - these inefficient daily processes can go on indefinitely.

Systems are supposed to make us more efficient, but if they aren’t sophisticated and regularly updated with the latest tech and operational theory, they can create more problems than they solve.

The key for continued success for large businesses today is to be able to adapt to the changing needs of the market. Operational efficiency is the foundation that allows a business to innovate and pivot with the market as needed.  The best way to make your business agile, is to start from scratch.

I know it’s a scary thought, a complete overhaul of your internal operations. But what it gives you is the energy and innovation of a new business, with the experience and reputation you’ve already built. It’s big business with the spirit of an exciting start up.

I suggest implementing one cutting-edge platform to lower operating costs, increase efficiency and unlock a gold mine of recurring revenue. On top of that, having one source of truth for the data within your business ensures accuracy, and provides insights for a new level of understanding into your business, as well as your customer’s needs.

This is becoming the minimum requirement, it’s now industry standard to have accurate and up to date data within your business, and to use it to make the experience of your product or service better for your customer.

There is so much potential sitting under all the complexities. Yet if your company delays the decision for an overhaul, your tech becomes more dated, your data becomes more inaccurate and your customer experience becomes archaic in comparison to your younger competitors.

The only way to transition to a single, cutting edge platform without huge business disruptions and stress to employees, is to do it with experts. You need a platform provider who understands your business needs, understands the entire model of the global channel, has proven success and is passionate about creating operational efficiencies for you to perform at your best.

iasset.com is the platform to transform your business operations from complex to simple and efficient, and our team are the experts to take you through the overhaul process.


If you’re ready to take your big business to the next level, contact me or my team today.